Fraunhofer CBP Leuna
Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research in Munich

Laboratories, production halls, offices, foyer

USABLE AREA 2,960 sqm

Negotiation process


The design for a new research center for industrial use of renewable resources, that are used as a substitute for petroleum, the Chemical-Biotechnological Process Center (CBP) of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in Leuna is developed in a prominent location at the Bundesstraße B 91. The design provides a compact main building with a generously glazed entrance area for the laboratories and offices. The perforated façade structure gives the building a unique appearance and acts as an advertising sign that is visible over a long disctance – especially at night. The façade structure was developed from the motif of colonies of algae that had been observed under the microscope.
SK Fraunhofer
HaupteingangVisualisierung rohdecan